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the g.w. carver interpretive museum is a pastport site!

Designed as a guide to Alabama's historic destinations, the Alabama Bicentennial PastPort is a passport to the past. Presented by the Alabama Bicentennial Commission and co-sponsors Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc., Airbus, Verizon, and Alabama NewsCenter, the PastPort encourages people of all ages to explore every corner of the state. The guide features destinations—including historic sites, museums, and landmarks—in each of Alabama's 67 counties combined with historical information and beautifully designed original artwork by the Birmingham-based firm Tatum Design. The PastPort is available in two forms:

  • An engaging, 174-page printed PastPort featuring nearly 300 destinations statewide. Travelers can have their PastPort stamped at select sites in each of Alabama's 67 counties. The PastPort is available for purchase at in-person at The Carver Museum for $10 or you can purchase your PastPort online by clicking here.

  • A free, interactive mobile app complete with content provided by the Encyclopedia of Alabama. The PastPort app ensures that anyone, anywhere can make a virtual visit to the state’s historic destinations. The app is available now through iTunes and Google Play. To download the app on an iPad, refine your search results to include iPhone apps.